Still Life
Natura Morta
Photographed after several months of returning visits as a life is deconstructed. Still life is a record of the life that remains in a place, in a home.
A document of loss, how time defines us and how we leave our mark on the place where we live. What is left behind of us in the walls, cobwebs the family photographs, clothes and furniture.
Visceral photographed through moments of my memory.
This is a visual document of this moment in time when life stopped.
My journey through grief.
still life
natura morta
14 objects that represent a visceral emotional response to losing a loved one.
Each object is a story with content, context a memory of a relationship.
Remnants of life in a home after she died.
In themselves they are personal chatel, the leftovers of a life well lived.
Their meaning to my Grandmother was as recollections of memorable moments. To me each object is her life in a memory.
A record of her achievements, her fight not only to exist but live.
Do these objects retain meaning now she has gone?
Or are they just objects and nothing more?
14 objects,
My study into whether there is still life after death.